Wednesday 14 January 2015

It's been a long time...

Hey there...
looks like its been a while since i last wrote a blog which is 3 years ago...hahaha...
i'm not gonna write this often but i'll try my best to update it as frequent as possible.

In this year 2015, there is a lot that i want to achieve in my life...
so other things must be...let say be sacrificed...only just for a while...hehehe :D

For now, i thank Allah SWT for helping to ease my mothers illness, alhamdulillah...
now, only a few days away before i'll be going back to Kuala Terengganu to finish my training to become a dealer rep/remisier...may Allah SWT ease everything...AMEEN!!!!

well, i think that's all i want to say for this blog entry...
so see u then :))

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